Monday, August 20, 2007

A Story in Pictures: Home

The River I love

Cabin view from the river.

The Den and Treehouse

Me banging on things.

Rhiannon & her Papa

Loba making ymminess

Rhiannon and her treehouse


  1. Just beautiful. I had deep pangs of longing to be in the canyon again as we wandered in the mountains next a stream yesterday. I so wanted to jump in that water, and I remembered long rambles up the wash, floating in canyonriver song, monarda and mullein and sweet clover pesto...beaver stew....
    medicine lodge, goddess lodge, wood stoves and all the canyon wonderfulness. Give my deep love and gratitude to all the canyon inhabitants and the canyon herself.

  2. Gives me such a sense of peace, beauty and love, a picture truly does speak a 1000 words

  3. You have a wonderful home and family. Goddess bless and keep you!

  4. amazing home you have as well as some amazing people you share it with...
